Soul Sanity 

Soul Sanity
Mental Health Gym

Soul Sanity launched in 2020 - the year of the pandemic. Interestingly the idea for Soul Sanity came before the pandemic during what I can only describe as a life-changing experience. 

So with a lump in my throat, here we go.

It all started when a loved one had a tragic diving accident and broke his neck. He became paralysed from the chest down. This as anyone can imagine is life-shattering.

Life became incredibly difficult. As years went by, breakthrough research was happening but not happening fast enough, the only way to deal with the situation was to "numb" out. This sadly meant prescription drugs.

I also "numbed" out as a coping mechanism but didn't quite realise it at the time. I instead numbed my emotions. Trying my best to be someone's rock and support I didn't allow myself to feel my own feelings. I learnt to wear great masks for those around me and my lack of what I can only describe as "heart" worsened.

Seven years later the dreaded call came through where he had unintentionally overdosed on these prescribed drugs.

I began to grieve the loss of him but also the loss of the person before the accident. Did two people die in my mind? My "numbing" out switched off. Emotions came rushing back and fought each other for the limelight.

Still to this day there are good days and there are bad days. The depression hit me harder than anything I could have ever imagined. A sadness so heavy all I wanted to do was disappear.

It was suggested to try some antidepressants to help get me back on track. Given what I'd seen with prescription drugs (although a different circumstance) I didn't want to do this. I had masked my emotions for years, why were we trying to cover them up? Surely, at this point,
I needed to feel to move forward?

Being a gym goer and when I say gym goer I mean gym "trier" I noticed how fist pumping music, cardio workouts and lifting weights just wasn't doing it for me. My emotions were all over the place and needed nurturing. I remember doing a body pump class and just crying through it. People were probably thinking lighten your weights girl... they should be tough but shouldn't bring you to tears!

And then it hit me. Why do we have gyms for our physical health and not our mental health? What about nurturing our minds not just conditioning our bodies? I wanted something I could do consistently, finding comfort on my bad days and encouragement on my good days. This is exactly what I need and perhaps, just maybe... it's what other people need too.

With love,

The Founder xx

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